Why do you continue to love me?
How can you continue to care?
Through all my cold actions
Through the numbing silence of my
Through such a siege of a great many things
That most definitely should’ve torn our love
How can you say you love me
While looking upon this, my cold-hearted
Why do you continue to reach for my hand-
And how to you ceaselessly find it through this, my
Poisonous haze?
How can you stand beside my lifeless existence
Hug my body as empty as a corpse
Stare into my eyes of darkness
Look unto my lips that speak mantras meant to
Tear our love apart?
My love, my savior
How can you do this
Knowing each time you sell your priceless soul unto mine?
Yet your processions of I love you’s
Ring in my ears throughout endless time.
How my love
How can you be
Through all I’ve not said
Through all I’ve done
How has our love lasted
When it should’ve long ago
Come undone?
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