I waited, counting stars one night,
And wished upon that first bright light
That shone in the sky of my star-filled night
The star smiled back, as if to say
“Wish as you please and you’ll have your way,
But if secrets you keep, I’ll turn away.”
That star alone knows what I’m waiting for,
My burden it shall keep forevermore
Until it sends you walking through my door.
My last hopes are hung on these stars that shine,
The desire to hold your heart to mine,
How long my soul has yearned for thine!
Surely this is the night that you’ll come home
And the last one I’ll have to spend alone,
The last night the sky will be my own.
For if my lucky star shines through,
And the final wish I make comes true,
The rest of my nights will be spent with you.
I look up once more before going to sleep,
But then my star begins to weep
For this is one promise that it can’t keep.
And so the star tells me that I’ve been wrong
I guess I should have known it all along,
That you sing not mine, but another’s song.
The stars fade away as the clouds close in
Each of my dreams has come to an end,
For even my faithful star can’t win.
O Savior, where do you shine bright?
I whispered to that endless night
You, my falling star, are not in sight.
Star, you have abandoned me!
But I hear a whisper, “I’ll watch over thee,
And as for this fate, it’s meant to be.”
Yet still, I cannot see the light
I’ve plunged into darkness, far from sight
What has happened to my starry night?
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