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A Walk In The Cemetary
06/14/2003 @ 5:33am

*If you like description stories this is the best one about walking in
the cemetary. Everyone should read it...it's absolutely great!*

I tip-toed my way into the lonely cemetary–being cautious not to wake
the unliving. The Greenwood Cemetary sign hung down, creaking as the wind
blew it to and fro. A great, black shadow cast upon my helpless body. The
wind charged at me, like a bull, trying to knock me over with each shove.
Remains of the full, glowing moon peeked out behind a forest of vast, dark
Slowly, I crept into what seemed a new world. Every sound ripped at
my ears. Every smell tormented my nose. Every sight reached for my eyes.
And every feeling pulsed through the stream of my blood.
Courage searched for a place to seep out over fear. I walked about
scanning the area for that one special moment that would stay within me
forever. Lightning began to throw her bolts and thunder rolled like waves
in the sea. My emotions rose, heavily.
Cracked tombstones leaped in front of my feet. I found one, at the
corner, that was cracked so I could see the skeleton remains of an arm. The
leaves made a song from their rustling. Rain drops slapped at my arms. The
owls began to hoot as if warning me to leave. Soon, the whole night animal
kingdom joined in. Howls, hoots, screams, ribbiting, and croaking above
all. The smell of death engulfed me. A warm breath blew on my neck, and
cold fingers tapped on my back.
I took one last look around. A scent of burning wood stayed behind.
Other scents rushed like a stampede to my nose. Before I started to run, a
black cat strutted by, not seeming to have a care in the world. His sleek,
black fur coat camouflaged with the darkened night. As I ran, voices
whispered into my ear, telling me to run as fast as I could.
When I finally stepped onto the pavement, it hit my shoes furiously.
I ran so that my heart jumped out of my body and into mid-air. I could
still smell every scent that had rushed toward me, but most of all I still
smelled death.

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