Left, cold, broken
Lying face down
No more words are spoken
Your emotions drown
He used you, he did
Like a fly in a trap
Sold you like the highest bid
You won't stand for that crap
Slowly you rise
Your face turns to the sky
Your fist clenches like obtaining a prize
No more need to cry
The mouth forms a toothy grin
The eyes filled with rage
He is next to receive the sin
You say as you set the stage
Here he comes walking
Thinking you are no more
He has no idea you are stalking
For what you have in store
Then you come face to face
His jaw hits the floor
Your hand meets his shoulder in embrace
And you say this means war
Down, he is defeated
You have settled the score
Yet guilt is then greeted
And you crave more
The past floods your head
Traveling ever more faster
You lie in your bed
Now revenge is your master
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