The beauty of a song
Lies in the meaning of its words.
Or if wordless, the emotion
conveyed in harmonious chords.
When the words are jumbled
and meaningless,
the thoughts inchomprehensible,
the song holds no interest or appeal.
The opportunity in America
Is to join in our Nation's song.
It is our duty to understand the circumstances
and contribute our educated opinions.
We all have a singing voice,
buried under predjudices.
Our lies make us falter,
our mis-trusts make our voices break.
Some of us complain.
We dont want to take the time
to learn the lyrics,
or meld our voices together.
Some are ashamed of the choir,
and dont think they can improve it.
Or dont want to be a part of its meandering tune.
We all need to raise our voices
to shape the song into harmony,
to let it truly reflect our nation,
to let freedom and harmony ring.
America is our country.
Made by us, for us.
Let it hear us too.
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