Completely violated
I thought I could trust you
You opened my wound
Now it won't heal
Open to the whole world
For everyone to see
To point and laugh at me
I let my guard down
You dove right in
To take advantage of it
I can never trust you again
You put my emotions out there
No way to hide them now
I'm about to self-destruct
Explode into pieces
Shattered everywhere
You laid my self-doubt on the table
For everyone to grab and tear at
You ripped me apart
No remorse whatsoever
Hatred is what I feel
Your cruel nature
Has allowed you to break me
You take great pleasure
In seeing me cringe
Makes you feel more powerful
Me more helpless
I don't find it amusing
But I will make sure
To get the last laugh
As I'll be the last betrayal
You'll ever make
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