Why am I a girl feeling so sad and depressed,
Why do I have to go through this and live my life to stress.
My whole life is like a big black cloud,
it's not letting me see what Im all about.
If it is said to live your life to the best,
then why do I want put myself to rest.
And give up my achievements and dreams,
is like letting out loud screams.
I hate my life, I hate everything about me,
If I was choose to live this life then let it be.
But as far as I see it, I'll only get worst,
because I feel like I can never be first.
I want to end it all, and stop suffering,
I don't want to continue this all around arguing.
But the thing is I have to go on,
with this ugly world that I don't belong.
Because if I were to do something god doesn't approve,
then my name from up above will be removed.
What's the use Melissa if you fail him all the time,
you know you can't hide.
Hide from him the one that made everything,
you know the one that you act as if it's nothing.
Melissa, you're a failure, your a hypocrite,
exactly how bad can it get?
bad enough to do something you'll later regret.
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