• What I see in the Amish
I will tell you a story for I can't keep it all to me.
The Amish are so loving you will read,
their life is simple, work hard and
care for their family, like no other I've ever seen.
Sunday church comes and I feel out of place but I will see a smile on
their face to tell I was welcome there to pray.
" Here to pray you are fine" they would say. They spend the
day with their family and the next day the neighbors house burns
down and they all get together and there they will be
at home.
Without asking they are there and standing
proud to be of help to a neighbor in need of a hand with only a thank
you for there pay.
They know when they are needed for a helping hand. The house is now a
home with childern happy to have
a place to call their own, now life is back to normal
you will see it's time to go to school and learn to be free
not like our people with no where to go. We will need help as we will go
and when our home burns
and no one will come for we forgot to be neighbors
and shut the door and threw away the key then think how lonley we must be
for we have no neighbors you would see for we forgot how it must be to have
a family we are sad people we must be for we forgot that its time to help
with out asking for a memory of the past when we all helped one another and
for free.
Diana Moyer
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