provider of fast-food
entertainer: the stage for drama
Oh how you disgust me, the way you raised me under such conditions.
You do nothing for me, provide me with sin.
You see that I am a christian, then why give me full servings of
You have murdered my friends; with the flame of hate you so happily lite.
You see to thrive on pain, you shall not have mine.
I am leaving, for good! I'm packing my bags and heading north.
I will no longer watch what you do to those you shelter.
No longer will I watch children play with another's
I'm tired of fighting with the police because I am not of milky
"No, officer I'm not causing trouble..."
A line that has been burned in my brain.
The game gets old, and others will catch on.
That you are not doing what you have promised.
So go ahead tempt, push, kill, growl.
Give me your best shot. Your giving me what I need to be full.
So the more you give the further it will take me.
Thank you for making me who I am.
The strong woman I have become was because of you.
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