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she is me and i feel her pain
06/01/2004 @ 1:01am

she sits in her bedroom crying
thinking about everything
the drama that goes on in her life
that lots of trouble it brings

her boyfriend is out with his friends
she feels so alone, so cold
her parents yelled at her tonight
all her lies are beginning to unfold

and all she wants is another chance
she wants to be young again
she wants to be innocent, carefree
and completely oblivious to men

cuz when she was young nothing mattered
she never had to do her hair
makeup free, she was always beautiful
and if she wasn't, she didn't care

but now the world is changing
with insecurity comes the fear
the fear of never finding life's meaning
as the finish line draws near

with so many people counting on her
this stress she cannot bear
so she cries herself to sleep at night
ripping out her hair

she hurts herself to feel better
it provides strength on the inside
with every slash and slit on her wrist
another insecurity has died

what nobody really understands is that
by hurting herself, she recovers
the pain will only make her stronger
make her feel she's better than others

she wishes everyone would let her be
for once, let her dream her own dreams
she's sick of living her parent's lives
always playing on their teams

so as she falls asleep tonight
she'll get down on her knees and pray
pray for the pain to leave her now
pray to not live another day

the girl needs help, soon the time will come
when she takes matters into her own hands
she'll stop praying and finally cut too deep
and as the blood on the carpet lands
her parents will finally realize
that they should have just let her go
they'll see the hatred in her stone cold eyes
that's when they'll finally know
know what it was like to be her
always living for their plans
they'll know her smiles were always fake
they'll find this poem in her hands. . .
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