There is a black pool in the back of your head
Rage burns in your eyes
Hate fills you up
But still your silent
Stand alone
Fight back
The words they tell you
Fill your head
Don’t stand a chance
Put up your fists
Fight till the end
Can’t understand
Fake it
Your hands stained crimson
Filling the black pool in the back of your head
Feeding your rage
Their screams mean nothing
You can’t hear them any ways
Blood fills your ears
Yell out loud
But you can’t hear yourself
Standing alone
You put up your fists
Ready to fight
You don’t care what they say
They’re always wrong
The blackness grows
And the pool gets deeper
Cuts and bruises
The fight begins
Understand it now
Can’t pretend any more
You’re covered in crimson
Head to toe
The black pool turns to red
Loosing control
When you realize
It’s all over
Too late to run
Flee the home
Blood covered floor
Fear replaces your rage
No reason to need to hate any more
Won’t do any good any ways
Run away to hide
The days pass you by
Copyright © seeking dreamer, All Rights Reserved