She gets up in the morning.
She tries to be happy and sing,
But all the bad shit runs through her head.
"Be tough and hold on tight," is all she hears said.
She tries to hold on tight,
Face the pain and fight.
But she begins to lose her sight.
She can no longer see the light.
She thinks about all her scars,
And stops wishing on the stars.
She wonders when her wounds will heal.
She wonders when her fate will seal.
She begins to hold on tight,
Face the pain and fight.
She slowly regains her sight.
She starts to see the light.
Then life takes a turn.
Her destiny she begins to learn.
She receives the strength to face her fears.
She no longer wears her tears.
She now holds on tight,
Faces the pain and fights.
She now has her sight.
Once again, she can see the light.
*I want to make this into a song. Does anybody have any music ideas for
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