My eyes are on your hands as you try to distract them
From clawing at your own luminescent orbs of black
Pointing at whatever moves and sometimes whatever doesn't
You keep your glued on smile perfectly in tact.
Tacky slogans gush from lips that have almost breathed their last
As you frantically try to preserve what you've been forsaken by
I'd put you out of your inconsistent misery if
I thought it would change something more than a well lived lie.
Hello Lost Cause, Welcome to a pretaped call that
Answers correctly only if you ask the right question.
Your faith placed on a hope that
One guess is all you'll need.
Sleepwalking while awake to confuse bad memories with good dreams
That keep you holding on to dream some more.
Living to sleep is faking your own life and death
The coherent you kept locked behind closed doors.
(When dreaming of you I lose more sleep than I am gaining,
And I know you'd disappear if I'd only stop complaining..)
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