*Perfect* as they were defined to be
But with blind eyes,
No one would ever see
What this family went through
Each And Everyday
That every member was in total dismay
The things they went through,
You would never know
The current state of mind was always hidden sorrow
No one would ever guess
What went on behind closed doors
The only proof they had
Were cuts, bruises, and sores
What went on inside the house
Was to forever be concealed
No one knew how to stop it,
No one knew how to deal
Why was it that with money problems
The child would have to pay?
Abuse is not the answer
Is there no other way?
Dad is home
Here comes the stress
He had a bad day at work
And brought home the mess
The boy ran up and hid in his room
As his father entered the house with a terrifying boom
He came in and pushed his wife aside
As the daily routine was meant to abide
He kicked open the door
Threw the child to the floor
Took off his belt
That was all the boy felt
He made him get up and face the wall
But that wasnt for long for he began to fall
Barley breathing the boy said:
"Dad, I loved you,
Did everything for you
I cant stand much pain
For I am but 3
But Ill always remember today,
The day you murdered me."
This was when reality occured to the dad
What he was doing -
how wrong -
how bad
But now its too late for him and his son
The father couldnt believe that his anger had won
An unhappy ending to what seemed like a pleasant beggining
Goes to show anything can happen
To any human being
_the end
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