If I could save you heartache,
And take away the pain,
I would walk up 2 heaven and bring her home again.
But I'm not a savor I am only a friend,
A friend with a shoulder that you can cry on
And I will always lend.
Tears cannot build mountains,
Or take away the pain,
But no one will notice your crying
If your walking through the rain.
Forever I will be here, right by your side,
To heal the pain you feel, deep down inside.
Tiny eyes are watching over you,
And with your troubles she'll help to pull you through.
You have to be strong though,
For your sake and her's,
Cause that little girl is watching you,
And the family she adores.
She's looking up to you,
Even though she's high above,
Little angel eyes are watching,
And sending all their love.
**My friend Justin just lost his little sister...I wrote this poem for him
an his family**
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