Dark as coal is the grassy plains below the midnight sky,
The ghostly mist floating above her,
With the twinkling moon shinning high.
The wind is blusterous through the towering trees,
As she waits for her love,
Waiting by the light of the stars, wearing her warming fleece.
A long stone path lighted by moonlight, she is going to walk,
Meeting her true love waiting for her at the end,
For this important, terrifying, talk.
Whistling wind is blowing her long, beautiful hair all about,
Her bright flower-printed skirt blowing in the breeze,
As she nervously follows the narrow rocky route.
Frightful noises come from no where, the bushes slowly move,
The wind makes the trees scream,
I hear an owl screech, a screech in disapprove.
I want to go back home, not be here, but my love awaits at the end,
I'm almost there, I hold my jacket closed tight,
I see a dark, shadowy figure through the trees, right around the bend.
There he is, my love stands at the conclusion of the rocky road,
I walk up, as he gently grasps my hands,
His serious yet happy loving face, I try to decode.
Holding my one hand, he slowly slips down on his one knee,
His free and pulls something out of his shirt pocket,
He looks at me with a sparkle in his eye he says, "Will you marry
"Yes, I love you," I say as you slip on my finger a beautiful
We kiss by the light of the moon and the jeweled stars,
We dance down the path, hand-in-hand, queen and king.
I walked this wonderful rocky road to romance with you at the end,
Now there is no such thing as an end,
Because my long lived dreams to marry you are NO longer pretend.
Copyright © hewi33star, All Rights Reserved