I hate you.
I swear to god i do!
Why cant i trust you?
Why did you let me down?
Why did i think you cared?
I trusted you.
I let you in my world.
You distroyed it.
You took all i had and ran.
You were my best friend.
Whats your problem man?
I opened my heart
But, you just tor it apart!
You left me there to die.
I cried.
I started to think.
When everything bad that happened, you were there.
I thought you cared!
But, i guess i was wrong.
I knew it wouldent be long.
Well, you had your fun.
I bet you laughed a ton.
Well, Its my turn.
My turn to laugh a ton.
Im going to toy with you.
Oh, im sorry. Your hurt too?
Well, thats to bad!
You distroyed all i had.
Its my turn!
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