There once was a stone, who felt so alone,
As he lay on the ground along by the hay.
He called the ground home and laid there alone.
In this place he laid alone in the hay.
He slept there at night and dreamt about the light,
In a home where he would not be so alone.
He fear the night and would awake with a fright,
Dreaming of the home where he wouldn’t be alone.
One day while it rained, a young maiden came,
Only to toss the stone far from his home.
She came there to play and ruined his day.
She who threw the stone far from his home.
Down the stone sank, he had all he could take.
Into the cold ground, slowly did the stone drown.
As the ground ate, his will it did break.
Sinking, into the ground, the poor stone did drown.
One day the grown maiden came, faraway from the hay.
She saw the stone whom she had so carelessly thrown,
Opened; to her dismay his diamond inside was displayed.
He was now not her stone; whom she has so carelessly thrown.
For he now lay, so beautifully displayed, in another maiden’s hay.
Copyright © marinesniper86, All Rights Reserved