Never say never,
Don稚 ever let the faith leave your heart,
For our love is as the beauty of the stars in the sky,
And even in the darkest of nights,
When you fear you are blind,
So afraid you will fall,
Just look up to those stars,
For they will guide you to light,
And as you look to them you値l remember,
You can never say never to me and you.
My love for you defeats love itself,
禅il the end of time I値l adore you.
Perfect we were, are, and always will be,
United we値l be for eternity.
Though in body we may seem apart,
Just look to your heart and you値l see,
I知 there with you, you値l never be alone.
And if you ever say never,
Just look to the stars above,
And you値l be cold no more,
For you will see the power of love,
And you値l never say never again.
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