The sun pours down to warm my face
Just as your smile did so long ago
Your eyes glistened brighter than the stars
Capturing my heart, entrancing my mind
Why do you remind me of a spirit so kind?
But one that is yet to be free
One so reckless and misunderstood
Why does this description paint a reflection of my face?
In a way I cant describe, it comforts me
Even when the storms continue for days
A feeling of warmth fills my chest
Even when the truth punctures me every time
The wind whistles, it beckons me to move on
But in time I am swept by this flowing tide of tears
It seems to be an endless cycle I cannot break
Continuously being tugged against my heart's current
I walked a thousand miles while everyone was asleep
Searching for my lost soul where it’s damp and cold
Chills fill me every moment you cross my mind
Windows and doors are locked, preventing my return
Envisioning your face, then my tear stained eyes
First I hear the laughter, forever swallowed by cries
And I cannot help but long for
The song of another time
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