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you are you.no one else
08/11/2004 @ 1:02am

You are you, no one else

Why do you all have to be so fake?
Portray something you’re not?
Why can’t you see it’s not the way?
You are you, no one else
You say you are original
But you are just like the rest of them
You think you are different
But that’s just an act.
Who you really are is on the inside
Don’t you just want to let it out?
Screw what people think
Screw what people say
Just stop and think
You are you, no one else
Stop copying them
Stop stealing ideas
Just be you
You don’t need people to tell you
You are you, no one else.
So get out there and show them
Reveal yourself to the world
the world doesn’t always accept you
but you cant please everyone
but please, just do it for yourself
no one else, because
You are you, no one else.

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