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Once Loved
08/14/2004 @ 10:42pm

You know it to be true.
I once did love you.
You only received praise and attention.
While I Felt condemned and in suspension.
You were so sweet and pure.
I could only feel cold and demure.
Maybe I was blind, to think that you were one of a kind.
You killed me more times than you could ever know.
But i feel now is the time to show.
To show you who I am
and that i don't give a damn.
I will make you suffer without regret.
I will cause a scar that you will never forget.
An incision so precise
You'll finally understand that you have paid the price.
My bleeding heart shall be your fountain from which you drink.
The blood which runs through the veins might make you think.
Guiding yourself with strife, will most definately end your life.
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