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Safe in my room
08/15/2004 @ 10:49pm

These walls are my friends, my room is the only place I feel safe, it's
cause you can't tear me apart when i'm alone...just leave me here you won't
notice the difference when I'm gone, i try to help but only get hurt
myself...doesn't anyone see this isn't me,i used to be happy, if you look
deep enough you can see my open wounds that you've all made...maybe then
you'll stop pouring your salt into them can't you please help me or at least
leave me alone to heal...this pain is choking the life out of me...maybe I
should just leave...run away to a place where none knows my name...would you
even notice i was gone? i just don't need this you need me but do you want
me?i want you but i don't think i need you..i have to stop thinking my
dreams could come true, all you ever do is hurt me... can't you see my pain,
I thought it was showing i guess your just to numb to notice or maybe you
just don't care...how do I break you? how do I show you my dying soul? I
don't think you'd even care if you knew of all the pain I go through... some
day soon I'll be leavingI don't know where I'll go...I'll start over and try
to forget about you and all the pain I go through I'll erase the past from
my memory never looking behind me i can't breathe here anymore...I'll
disapear and become someone new i'll leave and I'll make sure i don't say
good bye to you...
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