Sometines I feel like I cant keep going, like theres no point to it.
I just want to shut down, break down, crawl into a ball and sleep. Take a
nap.But you can't take a nap not from life anyway.
You just have to keep going
never stopping, never slowing.You have no choice.
I want to live mind you. Live a long fufilling life.
I just don't like all of these problems and feelings welling up inside.
My problems arn't bad compared to alot of people.
That's what I keep telling myself any way.After all, i still have one
parent thats not all screwed up.
I pray, but sometimes i feel it's not enough.Is God listining? Of cource he
I s there a reason for this? to teach someone a lession? Who? Maybe I will
never know.
Im in math class, am i suposed to pay attention?
I want to cry but i cant, to many people around to let me shed a tear.I
can't show my weakness.
So why am I hear, when all i want to do is run.Run from my feelings, run
from the pain of my problems.
To bad the one thing you can never get away from is your own feelings and
Everyone is going around like everthing is fine, are they sad inside?
Do they feel like they want to crawl and hide?Maybe they can't show it
eather, or are they really just fine?
I feel like im going to snap, the rubber band is streched to far inside.
I hope i can stay together and not shatter like a broken mirior. Is that
what I am a broken mirior? Or just broken?
I hope I don't lash out at the next person who gets in my way, or adds the
last straw.
Maybe i can hold myself together with all of the lies.
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