A lump has settled
Deeping my soul
Making me cry
Making me wonder
I saw you today
You didnt say a word
You stood there
You brought your skateboard
And you went away
Leaving us behind
To wonder
We called you names
And blamed you for everything
You've been different
And its not to good
I try to call
But you dont pick up
I have to much anger botteled up
And its all for you
Why do you hate me so?
Why do you like them not me?
It hurts to find
That people hate
You must hurt alot
I try to help
But I skin my knee
You dont look back
You dont seem to care
We hope you're better one day
But nothing ever changes
You dont care
You just dont
We sat and waited to see your face
But you never came
As usual
You ran away from us
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