Sun catches the light you shine
by the glow within your eyes.
It is you whom I look up to
yet it is you whom I despise.
Jealousy completes my thoughts
Of the beauty you possess.
Oh, how everyone loves you
Which leads me to love you less.
Look at the life you have led
How you inspire all.
How I'd love to see you suffer
How I long to see you fall.
I close my eyes and make believe
I'm as loved as you.
Knowing my every fantasy
I'll never make come true.
So I'll despise you more and more
And call you hideous things.
This is where the pain erupts
And every tear begins.
Why, call me up! Call my name!
As I finish my shot done straight.
Keep spitting out all your hopeful words
While I give you something to hate.
Sometimes I do long to change
But thanks to you, I cannot.
So I'll give the world something to remember
Even though I'll soon be forgot.
Copyright © fruitypebbles861, All Rights Reserved