Why do you do this?
Why do you take people we love,
Oh so very much,
And make them die of such things like heart disease?
Why do you make them suffer,
For things they didn’t do wrong?
Why are you such a God,
When you hurt everyone around you?
What makes those people,
That you hurt,
In so much of a need to die,
And feel all the pain they don’t need?
What makes you so special,
That you got to kill off people that we love?
What makes you so great that you can make people feel so much pain?
Are you really there?
Are you really up there?
I have stopped asking those questions,
Long ago.
I have stopped feeling any pain,
From you sending all the people the pain from hell below.
I don’t understand it.
I have stopped caring,
But the people around me,
Are still dying.
Why God,
Are you so mean to us?
I thought you loved us.
I thought you cared.
I thought we were your children,
I thought you loved us!
But why do you make us feel the pain inside.
Why do you make us grab sometimes,
For our own suicide?
Why do you make us feel pain,
When we really don’t need to?
Why am I asking you all these questions,
When you are really not there?
Author Note: Im not religious. I dont believe in god. I had to write this
poem, for i thought of a few people i know that are dying so i wrote this
poem...im really just pissed at "god" if thats what you people wanna call
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