All my pain is bottle up,
It slowly slips down the wrist,
And fills my river of pain,
With every drip of blood,
I am smiling here, watching you,
I watch you and I keep going,
I do it again and again,
Without you even knowing,
My pain is dripping out,
Into this river of pain,
Filling each crease,
Hoping I'll die before,
The drips of blood hit the floor,
And with each slit another tear,
Another reason, to keep going,
Another reason to keep my river flowing,
Flowing down the line, emptying my veins,
Hoping, really hoping, that I'll die,
Before a drip hits the floor,
I'll keep on going, until I can't do it,
The time when I'll have to stop,
Because I can't move anymore,
My body covered in my scars,
Blood surrounding my body,
Blood smeared on the tile and floor,
Knife still in my hand,
With Blood around my face,
My river of pain, is drowning me now,
Hoping my pain will empty,
And it forms an ocean around my body,
Giving a final release,
Letting go of you all,
My river of pain,
Is starting to fade, along with your face,
Enjoy this view, the lake, my horizon,
Can you see your reflection if you look,
I hope you can, because you'll see,
My pain was caused, by your face,
I'm beautiful in my final moments,
I'm smiling now, my river is around me,
Forming my own little moat,
I finally died before the last drip,
Even hit the floor..
My river of pain, is now drying up,
But fading into a much bigger,
Puddle, no not a puddle,
A lake, a pond, an ocean...
My river of pain...
Pain you had caused..caused it all..
I died before it hit the ground...
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