A good friend wont betray you
A good friend always helps out
A good friend is always honest
A good friend does play around....
but a best friend understands
and loves unconditionally
a best friend forgives
and wants you to be happy
a best friend can hurt
and a best friend can cry
but best friends stay by each others sides
thick and thin, through fights and trials
Hand in hand we can make it through
A good friend can lose trust
A good friend may be forgiven
A good friend shares happiness
but a best friend always trusts
and always can forgive
And best friends dont just share happiness
Their happiness is one
Though it may be hard
and a struggle to get past
If you hold my hand
All this pain and hurt will pass
I won’t lie it does hurt
but I love you so much
I could never be mad
Never could turn away
You are more than a good friend
You are one of my best friends....
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