You cant look back
Theres nowere to run.
Your trapped
Not noing were to turn.
You see a light
But your not sure its safe.
So you keep on running
The wrong way
Pushing and Screaming
As you get futher
Not noting were your going just leads to fire.
But you get a feeling and look back.
You start to think if thats the right path.
You here a voice that says keep on going.
So you turn around were the light is glowing.
You have a feeling that this is right.
Finally you reach the end and all you see is light.
You look around but theres no one there.
untill you see someone appear.
They say they have been waiting for you a long time.
they took you in and you seem to be just fine. you felt like you have been
there before and you new for a fact you where never turning back.
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