You say you love me,
I say how can someone love me?
You say you are serious,
Yet I still don’t believe,
I can only hope you are not joking,
You are the reason I am still alive,
If not for someone loving me,
I would die,
Nobody seemed to care,
Until I saw your stare,
I figured I would see,
And now you say you love me,
I still refuse to believe,
Nobody could love hideous ole me,
So now I am staring down the barrel,
Many thoughts are going through this head,
Wandering if you were serious,
Wandering if it could possibly be,
Someone who loves me?
I guess the bullet can wait until tomorrow,
We’ll see if it is true,
But no matter how much you may say it,
I still won’t believe you,
Deep inside,
I know what I am,
I know what people think,
And now I say goodbye to all forever,
Please don’t cry,
You know you didn’t love me.
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