Why doesn't anything every f*cking workout?
When it happens I want to scream and shout.
F*ck everything, f*ck it all,
This world is way too small.
Why do things happen the way they do,
If only someone knew.
You have no idea how many tears I've shed because of you,
I thought love was red, not blue.
I'm even crying as I write,
Tears maybe turn on that light.
I can't say more than I love you,
And less than I hate what you do at times.
You don't know what you put me through,
No idea, not even a clue.
Yeah you've read my stuff
But you read it with a bluff.
You don't even blush
Knowing it's all about you
And my emotions towards you.
You could read all my poems in the world,
Your mind would still be in a whirl.
So please try and understand me,
It might make your thoughts alittle foggy
Maybe even make it smoggy.
But I think that's what's best for me
To express myself and make me free.
Copyright © jnsandhoefner, All Rights Reserved