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"My Only Control"
11/02/2004 @ 4:21pm

I can’t tell you how it feels when I wake up each day,
And you can’t imagine what it’s like to feel that way,
I won’t describe how I cry,
And I won’t let you hear the screams that could make the dead rise.

Don’t try to know,
For you won’t,
My perception won’t let you receive it,
And you won’t get near enough to take hold.

It’s better if you leave it alone,
Let the stones fall,
And rest where they go.

I know what to do,
Though I may be apart,
I haven’t lost the crave,
The desire,
Nor the need,
That brings me the pain.

It’s all I can control,
In my world,
In my life,
It is all that I know that I can keep right,
The one thing,
And only,
That I can tell what to do,
And know that it will faithfully pull through.

Though I am a failure,
And always have been,
I failed to control,
Which has led me to dred,
To kill myself more,
To control even stronger,
The weaker I am,
I die harder and longer

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