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i think you know
11/10/2004 @ 6:49pm

what if...
what if the sky was green
would the grass reflect
what if the stars shifted
would the sun still be just as imfamous in the role it holds for the sky
would the moon show more in poems of heat and glory
still hold its head high...
if id say what i mean
would it change the simplest means
could i write the relation on a silver leaflet
would it transfer and create a poets love song in reality
so sweetly teasing
this thought
of what i could..
what we'd be
if only i could slightly alter the path of the sky
i think
i think i know why
im to far left to go right
where i sit the stars play piano in my ears
the music that i hear makes me drunk
light headed and tipsy
i think clearer
where i am theres no chance to cheat the moon into lumination
i need a path so obvious
lit by the north star
i cant leap over the moon when the moon is so very far
just a thought
in a second its gone
so unexspected
i think i might be to wrong...
but....what if?
tomarrow ill know
if the sun becomes my wakening then tomarrow ill chase the moons glow..
if the sun never tickles the brick between me and the morning....
then i guess....what if will have to do.

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