**I'm not really sure what category this really goes into, but if you have
any suggestions, I would greatly appreciate it if you could leave your
as darkness falls upon the clear blue sky
as the little girl in the corner starts to cry
as the blod drips down from her bloodshot eyes
she cries out in pain
she's lost everything, for there is absolutely nothing to gain
she wipes away all of her tears, for they will surely stain
it looks as if she wants to die, that she just wants to be dead
it seems like she wants to die alone
she wants everything to be perfect, with nothing to be said
all she can do is cry, while the violent memories pass by
all that the little girl in corner wants to do is die
all the little girl wants to see is everybody with devastation in their
this small, innocent child means no harm
this is the fault of others tricks and charm
this isn't the end, she's not done
she's still trapped, with no escape
but you watch and wait, she will get her revenge
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