You go to church
and fellowship with God
you talk to other Christians
but don't see those around you
some one over there
is crying out for help
but you walk by unaware
they are invisible to you
because you hide behind your mask
behind your plastic faces
don't help someone who asks
you always have a smile on
and preach to those around you
but because you have a plastic face
you don't see those reaching out to you
you pretend your life is perfect
but you have your imperfections
if you'd just take off your mask
you could help others live life again
but you not only have plastic faces
but a plastic heart
that's cold and lost and hard
you are blind to the world
your life is fake, just a routine
you need help just as much as me
so take off your plastic face
from your plastic body
and live the real life with God
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