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Run Away Sister
12/09/2004 @ 9:52pm

She ran away.
That Saturday night.
My heart broken,
My love for her,
Out of sight.
She left saying,
It was either die,
Or run.
How can it come down to that,
What all have We done?
What have We all done,
To make her sad,
To make her angry?
Why doesn’t she see the us we see?
Why does she seem to ignore it?
I can’t see,
Past these tears that blur my sight.
I miss her so much,
I was to hug her, and hold her tight.
But I ignore the feeling.
I can’t hold her.
She is my older sister.
She is the one I’m supposed to look up too.
But I cant…
I just cant,
When someone can hurt their family like she did.
I can’t look up to her,
And say,
“What she did was cool,
I will do that someday.”
It’s just not right, its always wrong.
Damn you for being the you you are…

Authors Note: My sister, Really is a run away. She has been gone for the
past 4 days. I miss her, but hate her for the pain she has caused my mother
and father. This is bascially my thoughts on her, and all my feelings
towards what she did.
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