Im on a road,in the middle of no were
how did i get here?does any one care?
all the trees are dead.
not a flower blooms,
its a curse that looms
Suddenly there's is a person
No, only a thing,
i know its name
its stress
O-he is such a mess
"why is that so? i have to much to do" he said
stress soon finds a friend up ahead,
his friend is failure
i cant do anything right...
i need to cope
but there is no hope.
now fear grips from the bushes
i dont want him on this journey,
but fear is forcefull.
there is no kight
there are no nights,
there is nothing on thid road.
i dont know why
but i invite saddness along,
were do i belong?
now loss follows close behond,is that fair?
i have completed my team of dispiar.
in time i slow down
were did the trees go? were did my heart go?
i see a house, small and cold;
"who lives up ahead?" i say to my team.
"Death" they reply,like in a dream.
im tempted to go there to live in his home,
but i realize i dont want to go on;
travling this road is to much for me
why cant my team see...
"Cant we build a bridge away from here?"
i finalley ask with a tear.
" for that you'll need us.'
pipes two little voices.
tiny hope and tiny love
my angels from above!
so i take there warm tiny hands
to leave the road of depression and team of dispair
far far behind
to somewere much more kind.
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