my head is telling me to forgive
like its not a big deal
but my heart is saying stop the bleeding
the bruising must end
I push you away
to build up resistance to the hurt
because I can't look you in the face
the pain is too much
I am tired of crying
tired of trusting and being let down
tired of hearing what others say
tired of hearing I used to know a girl who cared about our friendship
The tears have grown frozen now
because my heart has become cold
cold to you and your problems
and to the frienship we had
Someday maybe we'll be close again
but my mouth is sewn shut
no more secrets to tell you
no more cuts to endure
I really wish I could forgive as quickly as you can
but I need time to heal
I need just to stay away from you
so I won't yell and scream
I know you're upset
but you have no idea
I'm sorry if I told your secret
I was angry and my mouth ran away
Immediately I felt sorrow
for my mistake and knew I could not take it back
I kept it inside for so long
that it burst and I can't go back in time
I know you can hate me
I know I can't see you the same way
I know I made a promise
I know I broke it
I know I'm sorry for it
I know you'll never be the same
I know this will lay in my mind
I know if I could change time
I know I wouldn't
I know because then I can see what it is truly like to be let down
I know in the end
I know that we'll be friends
I know now that it is easier to lose trust than gain it back
Copyright © hallieready2, All Rights Reserved