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04/18/2005 @ 7:56pm

Why does it bother me so much
When all I can think about is this lust
Just to remember who you are
When I don’t even know how far
Away you may now be -
And only hazily recall the days when I did

Why can I not sleep at night
Just from not knowing your last name
And whether or not you’ve moved away
Cause I moved away
But I never paid my dues -
By just calling you

Why do I feel so awful
For being the child I was
And screaming all the while
Just to know you a little longer
‘Cause now look what I’ve done -
Up and forgotten

Why then do you haunt me yet
By crashing from oblivion of the mind
Into my dull dreaming life
Bringing along the cold feeling
Ghost’s touch sensation -
Of when we kissed

Why is it that I remember you
And no one else from such
Bleakly sunny days as we
Played and played our lives away
Put off life for another day-
Till it came

Why is it that you did the same
And yet are not brought to kneel
As I am now before a thought alone
Seeking pointlessly for a connection
To those times so long ago -
When we were young

Why is it that I can not find you
When the world lays at my fingertips
With millions of nameless faces
And billions of faceless names
Networked and connected -
Yet you are not

Why do I care about this
When I care about nothing else
And put so much effort
In such a fruitless task
While my life withers before me -
From lack of attention

Why does my life now seem bleaker
Then any time before
When I have so many doors open
Yet between me infinite floor
With other loves within my view -
All I seem to want is you
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