It started as a spark
The dancing flame of a match
Fueled by a force we couldn't control-
we didn't want to control...
Strengthened with each passing day
With each passing hour
Time only feeding the fire
another log to burn..
a drop of gasoline..
It grew so quickly
The spark soon became a blaze-
the blaze a towering inferno
Becoming larger and larger
Exploding into something more-
something great!
It was so bright then
Do you remember it, my love?
It outshone the very stars!
Burning with such intensity-
such blistering heat!
Do you remember how we burned?
Until the clouds were replaced
with thick black smoke
Until the blaze licked the heavens
and consumed the last bit of air
Until this ball of fire began dwindling
down to nothing
Oh, how we burned!
I can almost feel it now
Can you still feel it, love?
Does its heat still radiate within
your core?
The smoke still remains-
dancing as once the flames did dance
But the flames are gone
Leaving us, two dying embers
Fostering the last frail glow of what
was once so great
The red is fading fast
Even after its gone
Even after we burn out
After the last faint touch of warmth
goes cold
After the fire completely dies
and we are nothing more than
a smoking pile of ash
I will always remember how I
burned for you..
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