Who was that man ?
In a time like this you don’t have time to ask
Laying here in the dirt and sand with rifle fire all around
I look through my peep sight and see a face and the body of a man whom I
will never know
It was either him or me I had no chouse
Who was that man?
When I pulled the trigger that man fell to the ground never to stand again
He was a brave soldier to be here today and has earned my respect
Who was that man?
Was he a student like me before all of this happened
Or was he a loyal husband and hard working father
How much has he survived before he met me or was this his first battle like
it was mine
Who was that man?
Only if the world was more sane maybe we would have been close friends
But now I will never know that man and the friend I will never meet
Now I have made his wife a widow
His children will grow up with out a loving father
Will I ever be able to wash his blood off my hands
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