Hello, I am the voice inside your head
the one that starves when you are fed
they say you're thin but you know they're lying
don't give up just keep on trying
A relationship between love and hate
the thing you let your mind create
I'll make you empty like the way you feel
I'll make you throw up after every meal
I am the reason you cry every night
you're fat and ugly you know I'm right
I'll take and I'll take until you have nothing left
when I am done, you'll starve to death
They're all lying when they say I'm not good
You can't give me up even if you should
Just listen to me, for I am your friend
they lie that you'll be dead in the end
show me that you have control
don't you really want your goal?
so starve on, stay strong
even if you know it's wrong
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