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Love at First
06/10/2005 @ 12:21pm

My charms they caught you off guard.

Somehow this mess is appealing.

A stoner needing release,

finding it in a man.

So time passed quickly, and there you were, protecting

me from my parents,

driving me and all of my

possessions to your place.

My insecurity, caused

scrutiny, didn't it?

Pain from somewhere outside drilled its way into

my core, and it sleeps there.

Proved your love, yes that

was clear;

You tended to me in the night

like a father to a colicky baby.

Night after night of caring

was too much.

Now I am uncomfortably

lying on my bed back home,

trying to put you away as you did me.

Tight lipped, I squeeze my

eyes closed.

I recall your hands, how they entered my moist

lips and how I tried not to scream:

this will not help me move on will it?

I've been downsized to a weeping, depressed girl.

And I lower my head,

nod and accept the truth.

Parched eyes

swollen nose: evidence

of guilt.

The shame of my pain exposed to you,

how I wish I could have pretended that

everything was fine inside,

so as not to scare you away.

Too young, unstable, artsy, gutsy, and

free spirited [and (at times) poetic].

Placing on your glasses

you see the sickly, pathetic

me and gag: this isn't

what you thought you

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