You see him; he smiles
you smile back
your heart beats uncontrollably fast
and your palms get sweaty
You see him; he winks
you feel all flustered
and a feeling of happiness engulfs you
You see him; each and every day;
his warm smile fills your empty heart
with a sudden feeling of joy
You see him; like a beam of sunshine
on a cloudy, gloomy day he is the only one
to put a smile on your face
You don't see him; then the sadness fills your heart
not knowing where he has gone days go by...
with each day passing the hole
in your heart grows bigger
He has moved away and his smile is starting to fade
there is nothing more to brighten your days
...all because you were to shy.
*I don't write very much and this is definitely not that good but any advice
would be nice... I wont take anything personally*
Copyright © sarah444, All Rights Reserved