A mystified dream,
Never fulfilling a life
That can never be let go of.
Always searching,
But never finding it because you never realized
that you've had it all along.
Unjustified confusion
And a nonexistent part of resentment
Lingers on in your mind.
A lost sense of hope.
A gained sense of failure.
Unanswered questions.
Always knowing.
Never wondering.
Things are this way just because.
Because they say so.
So what?
What is this that living should be
But isn't?
You've been so perfect in your life
That you have forgotten how and where
The ending should be.
It should've ended long ago.
Be stronger because the weak will consume you.
They will eat your soul alive.
Give up.
Because blurred vision and lack of life
Fuel the fire of hope.
Close your eyes and see forever.
Open them... and you'll go blind.
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