Why can’t you look me in the eye
And tell my why you cry?
Why can’t you tell me anything
Like why your heart will no longer sing?
Why do you hide from me,
And act like I just won’t see.
I want to be here,
And I want to capture your every tear.
You’re always there for me no matter what time of day,
You try to help me in every little way.
You’re very faithful,
For that I am eternally grateful.
But now I think you need a hand,
And not one that will leave you lying in the sand.
I love you more than you could ever know,
And I fear if you don’t talk, I will have to let you go.
I would rather I die,
Than to have to say to you “goodbye.”
I’m not ready for that, not yet,
My future I have set.
I may tell you my own plan my later
Because what I see for us is so much greater.
Copyright © riley_26, All Rights Reserved