My need for love…
My ever dynasty
I would love to love you,
Where ever you are…
How ever you are…
Your heart, I truly desire
You love,
I wish to feel.
Your hand in mine,
I wish to keep forever.
Your love is truly what I wish to keep,
Even though I have not seem to have gotten it yet…
I wish…
For once,
To be loved,
With honesty,
And trust…
I wish,
I could find you…
Maybe I am too late…
Maybe I am wishing too soon…
But whatever the problem,
I can’t seem to give up on you…
You mean too much to me,
Even though,
I have not seem to have found you yet…
But I refuse to give up my searching…
I search for you day and night…
My heart,
Is worn from the fights,
It is worn from the nights,
I have lain awake,
And cried out a lovers name…
The hateful pain,
That seems to engulfed me with misery…
My heart has beat with force,
At the thought of finding you one day…
Holding you one day,
Being held by you…
You seem so close to touch,
But too far for me to see…
How could you not be here,
Beside me?
I love you, even though,
We have not met…
I love you like there is no tomorrow…
I love you through all this sorrow…
I just wish you would hurry up…
A little faster,
And be my sunlight for the next tomorrows…
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