let me tell you how much fun it is looking down someone,
for all the errors that they make and all the lies which they partake,
and all the hearts that they break.
until you turn.
on me.
I was convinced that I was ready
to commit to you all that I could be,
but it’s the reality that turns into deceit,
and the fabrication that becomes the devotion everyone holds.
but I saw you collapse and struggle to stand up
I couldn’t help but grin,
how atrocious I may sound
but you only shattered everything that I became,
you stabbed me in the back,
just a general term to say,
I just couldn’t understand how a true friend could hurt me like you did,
but I tried to forgive you,
but with each ounce of forgiveness that I gave you,
my hate grew ten fold.
you never said sorry,
but you stood on the sidelines
and watched my sorrow grow.
you watched it grow
until it became the monster that creates all problems.
then you lied,
to me. to her. to them.
just as long as he would be happy
and finally I stood on the sidelines,
just to watch you screw up
with my soul smiling
but my body crying
I collapsed under the pressure.
friends don’t do that.
I was becoming you,
you were everything I couldn’t be,
everything I wouldn’t be.
months went by before I heard the one word.
thanks for it all,
you taught me a lesson,
I’m the only truth to myself.
to break my heart is and advantage that I only give to you,
but to break my whole is something you have yet to do.
it is something you will NEVER come to do.
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