Make Me Cry
Stab me with another lie,
you can do it,
make me cry,
take your knife and put it through my heart,
the feeling has gone,
my tears have dried out,
I lay here bleeding,
as your lies cut me deeper,
stab me again with your words,
I can take it,
cause I can't feel anymore.
Draw my blood,
erase my memory,
stitch me up,
I'm ok now that you've fixed me,
every problem has gone away,
with your words,
but in the end your word is another lie.
Stab me again but this time harder,
I'm your playmate,
to you I'm not real,
to you I don't feel,
so take my heart,
and hold it tight,
break it with your lie,
I can only hope that I don't cry.
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